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Demeter is a garden world colonized by humans in 2152, and their first extrasolar colony.This planet is in a system within reach of conventional FTL drives from the Sol system and was colonized before any system beyond the Charon Relay.
The investment money for this colony is raised by the Delta Pavonis Foundation. By 2185, Demeter is home to the Ross School of Art.
The Planet Demeter(named after the goddess of agriculture and wheat) has five contenets. One of them is named Philomelus(a demi-god, and son of Demeter).
The two moons that orbit the planet are Persephone(the forest moon) Anntume( the purpleish red moon).
Persephone has the greenish blue ocean.
Anntume has purpleish garnet which is mined.
The name Anntume is derived from the word 'malograntatum'. It's greek for pomegranate.
Garnet might have come from 'pomum granatum' meaning 'seedy apple', better known as pomegranate.(also)
done with paint program, paint 3D, and gimp 2.
© BioWare & Electronic Art/Microsoft
Demeter is a garden world colonized by humans in 2152, and their first extrasolar colony.This planet is in a system within reach of conventional FTL drives from the Sol system and was colonized before any system beyond the Charon Relay.
The investment money for this colony is raised by the Delta Pavonis Foundation. By 2185, Demeter is home to the Ross School of Art.
The Planet Demeter(named after the goddess of agriculture and wheat) has five contenets. One of them is named Philomelus(a demi-god, and son of Demeter).
The two moons that orbit the planet are Persephone(the forest moon) Anntume( the purpleish red moon).
Persephone has the greenish blue ocean.
Anntume has purpleish garnet which is mined.
The name Anntume is derived from the word 'malograntatum'. It's greek for pomegranate.
Garnet might have come from 'pomum granatum' meaning 'seedy apple', better known as pomegranate.(also)
done with paint program, paint 3D, and gimp 2.
© BioWare & Electronic Art/Microsoft