I saw the pair of slavers holding my mother prisoner while the other two were beating my father very mercilessly and then
impaled with a knife. I watched in horror as he collasped to the ground.
My mom was also beaten and then her throat was slit. she too fell to the ground.
I know I had to get back with my sister, there was nothing I could have done to help my parents.
From Colonist to Commander
Seidra Shepard's parents are killed by batarian slavers after
refusing to tell them where their children are during the attact on their homeplanet Mindoir..
impaled with a knife. I watched in horror as he collasped to the ground.
My mom was also beaten and then her throat was slit. she too fell to the ground.
I know I had to get back with my sister, there was nothing I could have done to help my parents.
From Colonist to Commander
Seidra Shepard's parents are killed by batarian slavers after
refusing to tell them where their children are during the attact on their homeplanet Mindoir..