Yuki Koizumi is a teenage girl who lives in Tokyo with her mother, Catzi, her father Akio Koizumi,
and a older sister, Hina, and has a part-time job at the flower shop.
Like Hina, She spends time reading, studying, and gardening.
She is also unaware of the fact Catzi was an agent of The Negamoon, until she was banished by Rubeus
for failing repeatedly to capture Rini.
Heroine Creator by ~AzaleasDolls
and a older sister, Hina, and has a part-time job at the flower shop.
Like Hina, She spends time reading, studying, and gardening.
She is also unaware of the fact Catzi was an agent of The Negamoon, until she was banished by Rubeus
for failing repeatedly to capture Rini.
Heroine Creator by ~AzaleasDolls