HAPPY 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mother 2013 and Baby 2014
Mother 2013 hands the Earth to her baby daughter, 2014.
Happy 2014 every one.
Done with Goddess Maker by ~AzaleasDolls
Ichigo and Rukia
The Snow Witch
Teenage Draven Shepard
Sailor Sun Wedding Gown
Made this for SailorSunPhoenix.
Sailor Sun belongs to SailorSunPhoenix.
Done with Paint Program and Gimp 2
Eternal Sailor Sun
Made this 4 SailorSunPhoenix as a gift.
Done with Sailor Senshi Maker by *dolldivine & !DracheaRannak
The Turquoise Teardrop
A Turquoise Teardrop necklace that belonged to James Vega's late mother, Isabella.
When Isabella died, James hid the necklace inside his pillow for five years until James left
San Diego, taking the necklace with him when he was recruited as a Marine.
For the next few years, James hid it inside the hollow part of his belt buckle.
After the war with the Reapers, while in love with Jack (Subject Zero), gave her the necklace as an
early wedding gift.
Jack still wears the necklace through out her marrage to James.
Mentioned in To Freedom and A New Life
Copyright BioWare & Electronic Art
Done with Paint Program and Gimp 2
Miranda Lawson Funko Figure
ClassicsAreDEAD Stamp
Seidra Shepard ME2
Commander Seidra Shepard from Mass Effect 2.
Copyright BioWare & Electronic Art
Darth Vader 'Keep Calm' T-shirt
Leaving the Hell-Hole Behind
From the fanfic To Freedom and A New Life
Young James Vega leaves his drug addict father Joshua Sanders, and heads to the nearist train station in Solana Beach where he boards the bullet train to San Francisco and gets recruited as a Marine for the Systems Alliance.
Done with HeroMachine 3, and Gimp 2
Copyright BioWare & Electronic Art
Lily's nightgown
Hello Kitty Word-Finds
Pregnant Draven
John Shepard's sister, Draven Shepard Krios is five months pregnant with her baby daughter Soula..
Draven belongs to MZies.
Base used:Pregnant sisters Base
Base done: Preg-pixels
Done with Paint Program and Gimp 2
Copyright BioWare & Electronic Art
Slow Dancin'
Liara and Madelia have their slow dance.
Done with Paint Program and Gimp 2
Copyright BioWare & Electronic Art
Liddell-Carroll Family
Jack Carroll and Alice Carrol(nee' Liddell) with their daughter Alyssa and Dinah II.
Done with Fairytale Scene Maker by AzaleasDolls